IEEE 802.1X is a standard to authenticate network clients (or ports) according to user ID or device. This process is called "port-level authentication". It uses RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-up User Service) method and divides it into three different groups: requester, authenticator and authorized server.
The 802.1X standard applies to terminal devices and users (requesters) attempting to connect to ports or other devices, such as Cisco Catalyst switches or Cisco Aironet series access points (authenticators). Authentication and authorization are implemented through back-end communication of authentication servers such as Cisco Secure ACS. IEEE 802.1X provides automatic user identification, centralized authentication, key management and LAN connection configuration. The whole 802.1x implementation design consists of three parts: requester system, authentication system and authentication server system.
In our IPC, you can see the setting: Network Service->802.1X